12 September 2024

Update: Successful customer testing operations in Australia


Earlier this year, we announced that we had successfully kicked off full system testing in an operational environment with a customer in Australia. This campaign includes an extensive multi-well testing programme as part of a long-term contractual relationship and tools from our fleet build have been deployed.

Since operations commenced in early April 2024, the results have been very successful.

Several multi-day downhole runs have been completed, establishing a strong operational track record for the key elements of the system. These runs have successfully demonstrated the reliability of the downhole modules and validated the design improvements implemented after the U.S. testing. With SABER now accumulating hundreds of hours of downhole time, the tool’s durability and performance in challenging conditions have been clearly demonstrated, representing the culmination of all the optimisations and refinements from an extensive process.

Commercial operations are scheduled to commence in the coming months, in line with the customer’s operational programme. 

Read more about the SABER Tool: https://www.enteq.com/products/rotary-steerable-system-srss/